Ancient Aion
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GM/Staff Application:

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GM/Staff Application: Empty GM/Staff Application:

Post  Choy Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:53 pm

Must be able to manage things on it's own.
Must help in developing Ancient Aion Server
Must be active, polite, and helpful to the team and to all players.
At least 18 years of age
Willing to be ingame for 4+ hrs


General Information
In game name:
Forum name:
Contact Information (Whatever you are willing to share):

Character List & Playtimes


Are you playing in a cafe or you have your own PC to play Aion?

How can you help the server?

What would you say your best qualities are?

What would one of your friends say about you?

Are you a team player?

Why are you applying for GM/Staff?

Do you see yourself filling an important role on the current GM/staff?

What Interests you most about being a GM?

How would you seek to improve the server as a GM?

Have you had any past experience as a GM or as a moderator?
a. If so, where and how long?
b. If so, please post some sort of proof. If none is supplied, it won't hurt, but supplying
some will increase your chances.

Do you share any account(s)?

Tell us a bit about yourself!

Anything else you would like us to know?

Last edited by Choy on Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:57 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 10
Join date : 2012-12-13
Location : Where Gods Of Vikings Are. Valhalla!

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GM/Staff Application: Empty STAFF APLICATION

Post  hanzou Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:14 am

General Information
In game name: Hanzou
Forum name: Hanzou
Age: 19
Location: Indonesia
Contact Information (Whatever you are willing to share): I will share pengalamandengan players in the game.

Character List & playtimes 5 hours


How can you help the server? I can help this server by being active in the game and in the forums, an events Conductiong, Guiding the players where they want to go and answering thier questions. Catching those Hackers and also those who are againts the rules and regulation of this game .. i will do my best to make this game more thrilling and exciting by doing my job efficiently.

I can also suggest some of my ideas especially in events to make it more exciting and more fun ..

What would you say are your best qualities? I'll be the best GM ^ _ ^

What would one of your friends say about you? tanger my best ^ _ ^

Are you a team player? yes

Why are you applying for GM / Staff? because I want to build this server to be the best.

Do you see yourself filling an important role on the current GM / staff? no
What Interests you most about being a GM? I want to extend my friendship in different countries.

How would you seek to improve the server as a GM? I will tell the players not to use illegal proggram like cheat and do not do bugs.

Have you had any past experience as a GM or as a moderator?
a. If so, where and how long? : Aion kings. 2 months
b. If so, please post some sort of proof. If none is supplied, it will not hurt, but supplying
some will increase of your chances. GM/Staff Application: Photo.php?fbid=493927487302170&set=a.260725310622390.76729

Do you share any account (s)? no

Tell us a bit about yourself!

Anything else you would like us to know? I do not like the nonsense that the story is not important.

Posts : 9
Join date : 2013-01-17
Location : indonesia

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GM/Staff Application: Empty Staff Application.

Post  Personal Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:26 am

General Information
In game name:Personal
Forum name:Personal
Contact Information (Whatever you are willing to share):I will share all what i can share..

Character List & Playtimes 6-12hrs.


How can you help the server? would like to dedicate my time helping as much as i can whether if it's in game or on the forums to make both of them run smoothly and efficiently, guiding people to where they need to be, answering questions in a professional manner, reporting any violations i see to make everyone's experience here on Ancient Aion fun and enjoyable. I do not tolerate hacks, cheaters, bug abusers of any kind. I always take the extra time to assist players with the help they need and take care of anyone who is making another players experience dreadful. I am honest, straight forward and treat everyone the same. Thank you for reading my app and have a nice day.

What would you say your best qualities are? I'll be a good staff and good person.

What would one of your friends say about you? Be a good person

Are you a team player? Yes

Why are you applying for GM/Staff? Well to be honest because i've got really attached to Ancient Aion and i want players to have the maximum fun they can achieve ^^ , also i`ll be helping everyone as i already do (giving advices,teaching them about the class they want to know, helping them through their client problems if they have any etc)

Do you see yourself filling an important role on the current GM/staff? Yes

What Interests you most about being a GM? I want to share my abilities in game to all players want to play or playing this server.

How would you seek to improve the server as a GM? I will help players in game if someone needs help even i'm not GM yet.

Have you had any past experience as a GM or as a moderator?
a. If so, where and how long?Aion kings until now but the server has gone.
b. If so, please post some sort of proof. If none is supplied, it won't hurt, but supplying
some will increase your chances. I cant post link for now but i have my proff

Do you share any account(s)? No

Tell us a bit about yourself! I think i cant.

Anything else you would like us to know? Have a Good Day All.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2013-01-17
Age : 30
Location : Philipines

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GM/Staff Application: Empty Re: GM/Staff Application:

Post  talklessdomore Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:46 am







My Game Playing Experience:

Olimpus Aion . IGN : Thickness ( 2 bulan )
Gamez Aion . IGN : Mrbald ( 7 bulan )
Lunatic Aion . IGN : Bad ( 3 minggu )

Known Language :

English (fluently)

Online Time :

Weekdays (except fridays) - 3-5 hours
Weekends - 7- 6 hours

How Can I Help The Server:

I can help the server by:

-Guiding Players that is new to Lunatic
-Catch Cheaters, People who does not keep the rules
-Ill make many events (as many as i can) , like race vs race events , pvp events , group vs group events , kill the gm events and many more !! I will also make my own style event that is very fun!
-I will help people in forums with their problems.
-I will help also players how to do things in game

Thats All ... Thanks !


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-01-18

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GM/Staff Application: Empty APPLICATION STAFF

Post  mochy1 Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:17 am

General Information
In game name: mochy
Forum name: mochy1
Age: 25
Location: Indonesia
Contact Information (Whatever you are willing to share): salistio Eerisa Putra (FB)

Character List & playtimes :4-8 hours per day


Are you playing in a cafe or you have your own PC to play Aion?
I have a cafe and had me write a single PC,.

How can you help the server? I will promote the server to my area, as where you know, you are the Indonesian country AION No. 3 biggest players after philipine and USA. and I was able to eliminate the harmful bugs server

What would you say are your best qualities?
I had been a GM in zc AION server, and also create their own servers,

What would one of your friends say about you? I am a reliable player in AION,,, (but you will know my work after I joined)

Are you a team player? Yeah, I was in need of a team player, without my team will not advance

Why are you applying for GM / Staff? I am very interested with AION and I want to re-connect the server to the international

Do you see yourself filling an important role on the current GM / staff? Yes

What Interests you most about being a GM? Investigating work the bugs and so on,., Because I like a challenge

How would you seek to improve the server as a GM? By eliminating the bug I think the server will be better than ever

Have you had any past experience as a GM or as a moderator?
a. If so, where and how long? (In AION zc, 6 months as a staff GM), in (BROKEN AION, Indonesia server 1 year, as HGM) and the last (test AION, Indonesia server, as a developer)
b. If so, please post some sort of proof. If none is supplied, it will not hurt, but supplying

some will increase of your chances.

Do you share any account (s)? Note Because The account is a personal right that other people should not know even the terd

Tell us a bit about yourself!
clever, ingenious, unique and hard worker
Anything else you would like us to know?
I do not like lying, and lots of talk, because i prefer to work

Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-01-18
Age : 36
Location : indonesia

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GM/Staff Application: Empty Re: GM/Staff Application:

Post  tryme Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:59 am

General Information
In game name:Kimtaehee
Forum name:tryme
Age: 19
Location: Philippines
Contact Information (Whatever you are willing to share): Johndy L. Patrombon (FB)

Character List & Playtimes:

Atomix IGN: Chocnot 6 months = 5 to 7 hours MWF


Are you playing in a cafe or you have your own PC to play Aion? I have my own PC

How can you help the server? I can help the Server by Helping and Invite a New player then Log in Always!

What would you say your best qualities are? I'll be a good person and kind.

What would one of your friends say about you? Be a good person always!

Are you a team player? Yes i am in the game,but Not Always!

Why are you applying for GM/Staff? I want to apply for GM because i want to make the server cool and fun! and help the new player on how to play and make them happy as they played!

Do you see yourself filling an important role on the current GM/staff? Yes

What Interests you most about being a GM? My interest is to make the server cool and fun, investigating bug and Etc.

How would you seek to improve the server as a GM? To improve the server,my pleasure to invite a new player and I will do what did the GM does!

Have you had any past experience as a GM or as a moderator? No
a. If so, where and how long?
b. If so, please post some sort of proof. If none is supplied, it won't hurt, but supplying
some will increase your chances.

Do you share any account(s)? Nothing

Tell us a bit about yourself! Good person,Kind and trusted!

Anything else you would like us to know? GM is GM!

Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-01-19
Location : Philippines

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GM/Staff Application: Empty GM application

Post  jovannni Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:40 pm

General Information
In game name:hunter
Forum name:jovannni
Location:Cagayan De Oro,Philippines
Contact Information (Whatever you are willing to share):09122131585 text me or call me if you have a many question

Character List & Playtimes: hunter.i play 5-6hrs everyday


Are you playing in a cafe or you have your own PC to play Aion?: I have my own pc. . so that i can play aion everyday . .

How can you help the server?:I do my best to help the server. . .and give my knowledge to promote it to our country. . and be active staff. . i will do my best to do my duty. .

What would you say your best qualities are?: I have many experience for being a staff. .i been a gm in AION BLAZE. . and i play aion in more than 3 years. . i think i am qualified to be one of your staff. . thank you

What would one of your friends say about you?: They say that Im a good best friend. . and responsible to my family. . ive been a elder in my family. . so i know ho to manage leadership. . .

Are you a team player?:Oh yes. . i always a team player. .

Why are you applying for GM/Staff?:i really want to be part of your team . . because its a filipino server. .and i want it to the best server in the world. . Because its a Filipino server

Do you see yourself filling an important role on the current GM/staff?:Yeah. .

What Interests you most about being a GM?For being a gm most enterested is when you help your team and share ur knowledge to help each other. .and be a good and pair gm to everyone. .

How would you seek to improve the server as a GM?:I do my best to improve the server and make it better than ever. . and promote to it to the world. .

Have you had any past experience as a GM or as a moderator?
a. If so, where and how long?:In aion Blaze. . i almost gm ther in 2 months. . and i play aion in almost tree years. .
b. If so, please post some sort of proof. If none is supplied, it won't hurt, but supplying
some will increase your chances.:

Do you share any account(s):I Never share my own acount because its very important to me. .

Tell us a bit about yourself!:simple. . hardworking. . kind,active person,honest and most important is good person.

Anything else you would like us to know?[img]I am what i am. . i dont like liar person.i realy like kind and good person. .

Posts : 3
Join date : 2013-01-19

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GM/Staff Application: Empty GM APPLICATION

Post  rareka Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:45 pm

General Information
Name : Kadek Mahendra
Nationality : Indonesia
In game name: Jibril/Rye(elyos) , Bietch(asmo)
Forum name:rareka
Age: 17
Location: Indonesian
Contact Information (Whatever you are willing to share): Facebook = Kadek Mahendra

Character List & Playtimes : percobaan. 4-7 hours
My game experience :
Aion IDGS = Ryz , Rye , Adalbrithery for 2 Year
Aion Broken(closed) = Larasati(governor) 2 Month
Aion Imperial = Charichachita,etc 3month
Aion Vortex = Rorokidul,ext 1month


Are you playing in a cafe or you have your own PC to play Aion?
Playing in cafe
How can you help the server?
I will promote this server,i do best help to this server and share my experience, active GM,provide proof not promises
What would you say your best qualities are?
I have a lot of experience of playing aion, how to work as a professional GM..thanks

What would one of your friends say about you?
I firmly relaxed person and work hard, always honest and playful but serious

Are you a team player?

Why are you applying for GM/Staff?
Because I want to be part of the Ancient Aion. And do my best to help this server and be a good GM to the players. i will not allowed cheater in the game or banned. I know,it's so hard to be a GM but i will do everything/anything to help the server and if u choose me to be one of your GM, I promise,i will online everyday to monitor the player and server.

Do you see yourself filling an important role on the current GM/staff?
Yes sure with my knowlegde and my experience

What Interests you most about being a GM?
Investigation who player use cheat or bugs,Make the player feel happy and comfortable to play on this server

How would you seek to improve the server as a GM?
Be a profesional and improve the server/error.

Have you had any past experience as a GM or as a moderator?
Not yet, but I have many good friends who became GM and OWNER.more experience I get from them.
a. If so, where and how long?
b. If so, please post some sort of proof. If none is supplied, it won't hurt, but supplying
some will increase your chances.

Do you share any account(s)? Never ! because its important for me

Tell us a bit about yourself!
I am hard working person, simple, honest, always active person, comedian
Anything else you would like us to know?
Just simple,you well I could be better, you are rude I can be rude

final words I thank you for your kind attention had read my application to be GM. i hope you can accept me, I'll prove it through my performance not only of the talk

Last edited by rareka on Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:08 am; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-01-23
Age : 29
Location : Indonesian

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GM/Staff Application: Empty Re: GM/Staff Application:

Post  slow Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:03 am


Slow Yukimato





My Game Playing Experience:
Rival Aion - 9 Months
Ancient Aion - 1 Week Smile

Known Language :

English (fluently)
Indonesia (fluently)

Online Time :

Weekdays (except fridays) - 1 hour
Weekends - 12 hours

How Can I Help The Server:

I can help the server by:

-Guiding Players that is new to Gamez
-Catch Cheaters, People who does not keep the rules
-Ill make many events (as many as i can) , like race vs race events , pvp events , group vs group events , kill the gm events and many more !! I will also make my own style event that is very fun!
-I will help people in forums with their problems.
-I will help also players how to do things in game

Thats All ... Thanks !!


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-01-26

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GM/Staff Application: Empty RE : GM APPLICATION

Post  rareka Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:30 am

General Information
Name : Kadek Mahendra
Nationality : Indonesia
In game name: Jibril/Rye(elyos) , Bietch(asmo)
Forum name:rareka
Age: 17
Location: Indonesian
Contact Information (Whatever you are willing to share): Facebook = Kadek Mahendra

Character List & Playtimes : percobaan. 4-7 hours
My game experience :
Aion IDGS = Ryz , Rye , Adalbrithery for 2 Year
Aion Broken(closed) = Larasati(governor) 2 Month
Aion Imperial = Charichachita,etc 3month
Aion Vortex = Rorokidul,ext 1month


Are you playing in a cafe or you have your own PC to play Aion?
Playing in cafe
How can you help the server?
I will promote this server,i do best help to this server and share my experience, active GM,provide proof not promises
What would you say your best qualities are?
I have a lot of experience of playing aion, how to work as a professional GM..thanks

What would one of your friends say about you?
I firmly relaxed person and work hard, always honest and playful but serious

Are you a team player?

Why are you applying for GM/Staff?
Because I want to be part of the Ancient Aion. And do my best to help this server and be a good GM to the players. i will not allowed cheater in the game or banned. I know,it's so hard to be a GM but i will do everything/anything to help the server and if u choose me to be one of your GM, I promise,i will online everyday to monitor the player and server.

Do you see yourself filling an important role on the current GM/staff?
Yes sure with my knowlegde and my experience

What Interests you most about being a GM?
Investigation who player use cheat or bugs,Make the player feel happy and comfortable to play on this server

How would you seek to improve the server as a GM?
Be a profesional and improve the server/error.

Have you had any past experience as a GM or as a moderator?
Not yet, but I have many good friends who became GM and OWNER.more experience I get from them.
a. If so, where and how long?
b. If so, please post some sort of proof. If none is supplied, it won't hurt, but supplying
some will increase your chances.

Do you share any account(s)? Never ! because its important for me

Tell us a bit about yourself!
I am hard working person, simple, honest, always active person, comedian.
there is no difference, we are all still the same, our ancient aion player.
err dare take risks

Anything else you would like us to know?
Just simple,you well I could be better, you are rude I can be rude

final words I thank you for your kind attention had read my application to be GM. i hope you can accept me, I'll prove it through my performance not only of the talk
Thanks.. Regards : Hendra


Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-01-23
Age : 29
Location : Indonesian

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GM/Staff Application: Empty GM Apllcation

Post  Insidious Fri Nov 22, 2013 4:55 am

General Information
In game name: Insidious
Forum name: Insidious
Age: 19
Location: General Santos City, Phillippines
Contact Information (Whatever you are willing to share): 09087744944

Character List & Playtimes


Are you playing in a cafe or you have your own PC to play Aion?

I got my own PC

How can you help the server?

i can be forum modrator or a GM, and i have internet cafe that all players here are playing aion private servers

What would you say your best qualities are?

What would one of your friends say about you?

Addict in Aion

Are you a team player?

Yes I am

Why are you applying for GM/Staff?


Do you see yourself filling an important role on the current GM/staff?


What Interests you most about being a GM?

i can invite more players and do advertising

How would you seek to improve the server as a GM?

making self invite or advertising in other forums

Have you had any past experience as a GM or as a moderator?

a - in InidiousAion and ive been a gm there and fm for 2 years

a. If so, where and how long?
b. If so, please post some sort of proof. If none is supplied, it won't hurt, but supplying
some will increase your chances.

Do you share any account(s)?


Tell us a bit about yourself!

MusicLover and Workaholic

Anything else you would like us to know?

Evryone here is from Gensan?whre in gensan?


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-11-22
Age : 30
Location : Fatima Uhaw, Genral Santos CIty

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GM/Staff Application: Empty Re: GM/Staff Application:

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